Wymiana polsko-słowacka - Polish - Slovak exchange
The project „Human Rights Matter!” was carried out from 15th May till 15th November 2024 by LiLiceum Ogólnokształcące z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi im. Bolesława Chrobrego w Gryficach and Gymnázium Komenského 32 from Trebišov, Slovakia.
The project, funded by International Visegrad Fund focused on human rights. The main aims of the project were increasing students’ civic competence, increasing the awareness of the importance of observing human rights, improving language skills and interpersonal skills, promoting intercultural interaction. During the project implementation out two exchanges in which 15 participants from each school took part were carried out. During the first meeting, which was held in Gryfice, we concentrated on human rights whereas the focus of the second meeting held in Trebišov were human rights abuses.

‘Human Rights Matter!’ - Polish and Slovak students about human rights!
From 16th to 21st June, 2024 Liceum Ogólnokształcące z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi im. Bolesława Chrobrego in Gryfice hosted 13 students and 2 teachers from Gymnázium Komenského 32, Trebišov, Slovakia. The exchange was possible thanks the funding from the International Visegrad Fund. The theme of the meeting were human rights. Participants from Poland and Slovakia worked together on projects, took part in workshops and debates that helped them better understand the importance of human rights in the modern world and visited interesting sights in our region.
The exchange students arrived on Sunday. The day was devoted to integration while on Monday the students took part in a CLIL lesson on human rights, recorded videos and interviews on the streets of Gryfice, learnt to dance Polish folk dances and had a good fun at an escape room. The third day of the Polish – Slovak exchange was also very intense. The students prepared posters on human rights violations, and then discussed the reasons for violating these rights. During the round table debate, young people were looking for the answer to the question of how to protect human rights and then together with the whole "Chrobry" community and the local community took part in a happening in the city Centre and protested against abusing human rights around the world. During the happening, young people read an appeal to all international governments and organisations. Young people drew attention to the importance of freedom of speech and access to free education, they also emphasized the need for humanitarian actions and taking care of a clean environment. After the appeal, all participants highlighted the mood with a minute of silence. Then, in a symbolic gesture of unity and actions taken to protect human rights, the youth positioned themselves in the circle, grabbed their hands and stuck or covered their lips. A particularly memorable moment during the happening was the destruction of the so -called "Wall of Freedom", on which young people previously wrote examples of human rights violation. In addition, each participant could sign the appeal read by the youth. After the happening the youth went to Kołobrzeg, where they had a chance to relax, do some sports activities and get to know each other better.
On Wednesday the exchange participants spent the day in Szczecin. The youth took part in a museum lesson at the Centrum Dialogu Przełomy, the smallest, the youngest and the most modern branch of the National Museum in Szczecin. They also listened to an interesting lecture on human rights at the University of Szczecin and visited the landmarks of Szczecin. On the fifth day of the Polish - Slovak exchange the students took part in a seminar on human rights, during which they had a chance to express their opinions about the effectiveness of protecting human rights (Oxford debate), watched previously recorded videos, presented the plan of a social campaign and set up a photo and poster exhibition.
The exchange, which finished on Friday, 21st June, was a great opportunity to make new friendships, exchange experiences and deepen knowledge about human rights. It was not only an educational experience, but also an impulse for further activity whose aim will be the promotion of human rights in local communities.
Below you can find the materials prepared before and during the exchange by the students and teachers who took part in the project.
1. CLIL lesson - What are human rights?

2. Workshop - Why is it important to observe human rights?
workshop plan
photo exhibition

3. Video - interviews about human rights
Some interviews are in Polish, as the students interviewed the members of the local community.
4. Video - Slovak students about human rights
5. Workshop on human rights abuses
workshop plan

6. Round table debate - Human rights abuses
debate plan

7. Happening - Human Rights Matter!
Here is the script of the happening that took place during the exchange in Gryfice. The happening was an event for the local community, therefore the script is in English and Polish.
8. Happening - Human Rights Matter! (video)
The happening was an event for the local community, therefore the video is in English and Polish.

9. Workshop - Preparing the seminar on human rights
Workshop plan
10. Oxford debate - Human rights around the world are effectively protected
Oxford debate plan

'Human Rights Seen through Young Eyes' – Polish and Slovak students meet again!
Three months after the exchange in Gryfice, 13 students and 2 teachers of ‘Chrobry’ traveled to Trebišov, Slovakia to take part in the second mobility within the project supported by International Visegrad Fund. After a long journey, they were greeted by host families. During the following week they took will part in various activities whose aim was promoting human rights and expressing their thoughts and feelings about human rights.
The exchange officially started on Tuesday, 17th September, with an opening ceremony during which the aims of the project were presented.Also, the Slovak students performed folk dances, songs and music. Then the students visited the City Museum where they could learn about history and traditions of the region. The day ended with a workshop on human rights. The workshop, ran by the law students from Košice University, graduates of the Slovak school, allowed students to understand different topic connected with human rights.
Wednesday, 18th September, started with the visit at the town hall. The Mayor of the town of Trebišov informed the students about the past and the present of the town and region, talked about traditions of the area and the plans for the future. The rest of the activities was carried out at school. The exchange participants used their knowledge, imagination and creativity to make videos, prepare online quizzes and plan ideal and safe houses. They also discussed the problem of the right of housing.
On Thursday the participants of the exchange took part in the trip to Košice. They visited the Victims of Communism Museum where they learnt about the persecution of the people who were considered the enemies of the communist regime in Slovakia. They studied the interactive map of the victims of communism and learnt about different types of samizdats and the means of their distribution. The lecture was followed by practice - the students used typewriters to type some messages and feel like editors of samizdats. The workshop at the museum was followed by the tour around the city centre with the commentary on the main sights and the visit at the zoo.
Friday, 20th September, was the last day of the project activities. The students were very busy. In the morning they took part in the Spartan race which was organised according to the rules of fair play. The winners received a cup. Then the students danced the polonaise (they had learnt during the exchange in Gryfice) and the Slovak folk dance karička. The most important task of the day was creating a joint poster dedicated to human rights but its wasn't the end of the day. During the meeting in which also teachers and students from the Slovak group took part, the exchange participants presented the results of the work group - videos and quizzes on human rights. The students had a chance to do the quizzes and check how much they had learnt. The meeting finished with the evaluation of the project and final conclusions.
The project was very successful. The participants not only expanded their knowledge of human rights and improved their English but also learnt a lot about culture of Poland and Slovakia and formed friendships which will last long after the project finishes.
Below you can find the materials prepared before and during the exchange by the students and teachers who took part in the project.
11. Workshop - Creating quizzes and videos about human rights
Workshop plan

12. Human rights abuses - videos
Videos recorded by the students
12. Workshop - Right for housing
Workshop plan

13. Videos summarising the exchange in Trebisov